Los Angeles Alliance for a New Economy, 1990s to 2010s

Follow the development of LAANE through media reports in the Los Angeles Times and La Opinion from the early 1990s to the 2010s. Media reports document the early efforts of the Tourism Industry Development Council, the Los Angeles Living Wage Coalition, and a variety of campaigns involving LAANE. Or browse a selection of TV news of labor events.
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Ramos, George. “A Native Turns Tourist on Trip Into L.A.’s Past: [Home Edition].” Los Angeles Times (Pre-1997 Fulltext); Los Angeles, Calif., June 20, 1994, sec. Metro; PART-B; Metro Desk. http://search.proquest.com/latimes/docview/282242987/abstract/2E27EB09A3A4621PQ/1.
McDONNELL, PATRICK J. “Cultural Mystery Tour Visitors: Bus Trip to L.A.’s Eastside Kicks off a Series That Will Showcase the City’s Often-Overlooked Multiethnic Attractions and Counter Negative Media Images. Koreatown, South-Central Are among Future Destinations.: [Home Edition].” Los Angeles Times (Pre-1997 Fulltext); Los Angeles, Calif., July 7, 1994, sec. Metro; PART-B; Metro Desk. http://search.proquest.com/latimes/docview/282359935/abstract/D7B4B159EE014446PQ/1.
Lavin, Enrique. “Outsiders Get a Look Inside South-Central Foreign Reporters, Visitors See There Is More to the Area Than Crime, Tension: [Home Edition].” Los Angeles Times (Pre-1997 Fulltext); Los Angeles, Calif., July 17, 1994, sec. City Times; Zones Desk. http://search.proquest.com/latimes/docview/282287966/abstract/26F11668784043F7PQ/1.
George, Lynell. “Destination: Discovery Traditional Tours Show You All That Glitters. But New Sightseeing Ventures Let You See-and Taste-Other Parts of L.A. in Hopes of Erasing Borders and Easing Fears.: [Home Edition].” Los Angeles Times (Pre-1997 Fulltext); Los Angeles, Calif., September 23, 1994, sec. Life & Style; PART-E; View Desk. http://search.proquest.com/latimes/docview/292830550/abstract/C8F22E06326146FBPQ/1.
Gordon, Larry. “Tourism Video Touts L.A.’s Ethnic Neighborhoods: [Home Edition].” Los Angeles Times (Pre-1997 Fulltext); Los Angeles, Calif., May 19, 1995, sec. Metro; PART-B; Metro Desk. http://search.proquest.com/latimes/docview/293026531/abstract/CBD966DE43E64043PQ/1.
BERESTEIN, LESLIE. “Showing Visitors ‘the Other’ Los Angeles; Group Tries to Counteract Images of Crime and Slums by Emphasizing Often- Overlooked Ethnic Areas.: [Home Edition].” Los Angeles Times (Pre-1997 Fulltext); Los Angeles, Calif., August 31, 1995, sec. Metro; PART-B; Metro Desk. http://search.proquest.com/latimes/docview/293233726/abstract/FB0018800D3F4C5DPQ/1.
Cedillo, Gilbert. “All Should Feel Pain of Reform; Welfare: Business Must Pay Living Wages and Provide Health Benefits for All Workers.: [Home Edition].” Los Angeles Times (Pre-1997 Fulltext); Los Angeles, Calif., August 19, 1996, sec. Metro; PART-B; Op Ed Desk. http://search.proquest.com/latimes/docview/293362291/abstract/E3F4F4E3BCAF413CPQ/1.
WRITER, JEAN MERL TIMES STAFF. “‘Living Wage’ Plan Faces First Test in Council: Jobs: Showdown over Measure Pits Blue-Collar Labor Leaders and Liberal Members of the Panel against Mayor and Most of the Business Community.” Los Angeles Times (1996-Current); Los Angeles, Calif, March 18, 1997, sec. Metro. https://search.proquest.com/hnplatimes/docview/2111426303/abstract/17BA1ABB1F7142F2PQ/96.
WRITER, JEAN MERL TIMES STAFF. “L.A. Council OKs ‘Living Wage’ Law for City Contracts: Labor: With Enough Votes to Override Promised Riordan Veto, Panel Approves Minimum Pay for Lowest-Level Workers.” Los Angeles Times (1996-Current); Los Angeles, Calif, March 19, 1997, sec. Orange County. https://search.proquest.com/hnplatimes/docview/2109359639/abstract/17BA1ABB1F7142F2PQ/101.
WRITER, JEAN MERL TIMES STAFF. “Defiant Mayor Vetoes ‘Living Wage’ Ordinance: Jobs: Riordan Keeps His Vow and Rejects Proposal to Boost Wages of City Contract Workers. His Action Sets the Stage for an Override Vote in the City Council.” Los Angeles Times (1996-Current); Los Angeles, Calif, March 28, 1997, sec. Metro. https://search.proquest.com/hnplatimes/docview/2109399949/abstract/17BA1ABB1F7142F2PQ/116.
Merl, Jean. “Defiant Mayor Vetoes ‘Living Wage’ Ordinance; Jobs: Riordan Keeps His Vow and Rejects Proposal to Boost Wages of City Contract Workers. His Action Sets the Stage for an Override Vote in the City Council.: [Home Edition].” Los Angeles Times, March 28, 1997, sec. Metro; PART-B; Metro Desk. https://www.proquest.com/latimes/docview/421099807/abstract/A26D80DC452E4608PQ/106.
Krikorian, Greg. “Council Overrides Veto, OKs Wage Law; City Hall: As Expected, Panel Overcame Mayor’s Action against Guidelines on Pay for Employees of City Contractors.: [Home Edition].” Los Angeles Times, April 2, 1997, sec. Metro; PART-B; Metro Desk. https://www.proquest.com/latimes/docview/421252972/abstract/A26D80DC452E4608PQ/112.
Los Angeles Times. “West Hollywood; Council OKs ‘Living Wage’ Measure for City Workers: [Home Edition].” July 10, 1997, sec. Metro; PART-B; Metro Desk. https://www.proquest.com/latimes/docview/421270833/citation/A26D80DC452E4608PQ/137.
Meyerson, Harold. “No Justice, No Growth.” L.A. Weekly, July 15, 1998. http://www.laweekly.com/news/no-justice-no-growth-2129689.
Feingold, Danny. “Putting Faith in Labor; In a New Trend, a Motley Coalition of Southland Clergy Is Taking Up the Workers’ Cause--and Winning: [Home Edition].” Los Angeles Times; Los Angeles, Calif., August 28, 1998, sec. Life & Style; PART-E; View Desk. http://search.proquest.com/latimes/docview/421484714/abstract/6502C7D99C5D401APQ/21.
Infante, Victoria. “Muchos trabajadores del condado de Los Angeles son pobres.” La Opinión; Los Angeles, Calif., August 12, 2000. http://search.proquest.com/ethnicnewswatch/docview/368340055/abstract/536235B34CB047BBPQ/2.
Cardenas, Jose. “She’s Working Overtime for L.A.’s Living Wage Battle; Success Made Madeline Janis-Aparicio Labor’s Alter Ego. But Can She Do It Again in Santa Monica?: [Home Edition].” Los Angeles Times; Los Angeles, Calif., August 21, 2000, sec. Southern California Living; PART- E; PART-; View Desk. http://search.proquest.com/latimes/docview/421550115/abstract/1B2E1DCAC8744E85PQ/2.
Jurado Ertll, Randy. “Despues de la Convencion.” La Opinión; Los Angeles, Calif., August 28, 2000. http://search.proquest.com/ethnicnewswatch/docview/368270545/abstract/536235B34CB047BBPQ/3.
Cleeland, Nancy, and GINA PICCALO. “Santa Monica Living Wage Proposal Stirs Costly Fight; Ballot: Hotels Hope to Counter an Effort to Extend a Nationwide Initiative to Cover Businesses That Have Profited from Public Works.: [Home Edition].” Los Angeles Times, November 2, 2000, sec. Metro; PART- B; PART-; Metro Desk. https://www.proquest.com/latimes/docview/421566506/abstract/85A85DEE3B444C29PQ/8.
PICCALO, GINA. “Decision 2000 / LOCAL ELECTIONS; MINIMUM WAGE MEASURE; Activists Savor Victory, Expect Fight to Go On: [Home Edition].” Los Angeles Times, November 9, 2000, sec. Metro; PART- B; PART-; Metro Desk. https://www.proquest.com/latimes/docview/421563751/abstract/85A85DEE3B444C29PQ/11.
Delgado, Hilda. “Demandan ‘salario digno’ federal.” La Opinión; Los Angeles, Calif., December 1, 2000. http://search.proquest.com/ethnicnewswatch/docview/368445716/abstract/536235B34CB047BBPQ/4.
Gonzales-Portillo, Patricia. “Anuncian plan de desarrollo en North Hollywood.” La Opinión; Los Angeles, Calif., September 21, 2001. http://search.proquest.com/ethnicnewswatch/docview/368478799/abstract/536235B34CB047BBPQ/5.
Vega, Miguel Angel. “Empleados despedidos recuperan seguro.” La Opinión; Los Angeles, Calif., November 21, 2001. http://search.proquest.com/ethnicnewswatch/docview/368339770/abstract/536235B34CB047BBPQ/6.
La Opinión; Los Angeles, Calif. “Seguro para desempleados.” November 23, 2001. http://search.proquest.com/ethnicnewswatch/docview/368474163/abstract/536235B34CB047BBPQ/7.
Tamara, E. J. “Denuncian condiciones de trabajo en tiendas del LAX.” La Opinión; Los Angeles, Calif., March 8, 2002. http://search.proquest.com/ethnicnewswatch/docview/368302568/abstract/536235B34CB047BBPQ/8.
Romney, Lee. “The Nation; COLUMN ONE; Making Builders Do More; Developers That Receive Public Dollars Increasingly Are Being Called on to Deliver Fixes for Civic Problems as Part of Their Deals.: [Home Edition].” Los Angeles Times; Los Angeles, Calif., March 18, 2002, sec. Part A; Financial Desk. http://search.proquest.com/latimes/docview/421681502/abstract/1B2E1DCAC8744E85PQ/4.
Goldberg, Jackie. “LEY DE SALARIO DIGNO: Callan los detractores.” La Opinión; Los Angeles, Calif., May 3, 2002. http://search.proquest.com/ethnicnewswatch/docview/368276405/abstract/536235B34CB047BBPQ/9.
Herrera, Kevin. “Plan Approved for New Marlton Square Project in Santa Barbara Plaza in the Crenshaw District.” Los Angeles Sentinel; Los Angeles, Calif., August 8, 2002. http://search.proquest.com/ethnicnewswatch/docview/369342575/536235B34CB047BBPQ/10.
Fuentes-Salinas, Jose. “Restaurantes en LAX son calificados.” La Opinión; Los Angeles, Calif., December 16, 2003. http://search.proquest.com/ethnicnewswatch/docview/368316849/abstract/536235B34CB047BBPQ/12.
Barnes, Julian E., and Tim Appenzeller. “Just Say No.” U.S. News & World Report 136, no. 13 (April 19, 2004): 16–16. http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=12809987&site=ehost-live.
Vega, Miguel Angel. “Se cierra el círculo contra Wal-Mart.” La Opinión; Los Angeles, Calif., August 10, 2004. http://search.proquest.com/ethnicnewswatch/docview/368259817/abstract/536235B34CB047BBPQ/16.
Cummings, Scott L. “Law in the Labor Movement’s Challenge to Wal-Mart: A Case Study of the Inglewood Site Fight.” California Law Review 95, no. 5 (2007): 1927–98. https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=998056.
Newton, Jim. “L.A. VISIONS; Labor’s Pensive Warrior; Being One of the Union Movement’s Best Friends Has Made Madeline Janis Some Enemies along the Way. Series: Southern California Is Home to Extremes -- Poverty, Crime, Wealth and Immigration; Shifting Politics and Emerging Arts; Ethnic Vitality and Conflict -- and Also to a Wealth of Imagination. To Plumb That Creativity, Editorial Page Editor Jim Newton Held a Series of Discussions about Our Region with Some of the Area’s Most Engaging Intellects. This Is the Second Installment of an Occasional Series.: [HOME EDITION].” Los Angeles Times; Los Angeles, Calif., June 17, 2007, sec. Opinion; Part M; Editorial Pages Desk. http://search.proquest.com/latimes/docview/422171099/abstract/1B2E1DCAC8744E85PQ/5.
Lindo, Róger. “Vivir con el salario mínimo.” La Opinión; Los Angeles, Calif., February 4, 2008. http://search.proquest.com/ethnicnewswatch/docview/368464575/abstract/536235B34CB047BBPQ/49.
Bihm, Jennifer. “From Paycheck to Paycheck: Troubled Econoi Has Major Impact on L.A.’s Working Poor.” Los Angeles Sentinel; Los Angeles, Calif., August 31, 2008, sec. LOCAL NEWS. http://search.proquest.com/ethnicnewswatch/docview/369288206/abstract/536235B34CB047BBPQ/55.
Larrubia, Evelyn. “THE REGION; Labor, Environmentalists Unusual Allies; Ports’ Clean Trucks Program Has Union Leaders Talking ‘green,’ but Some Truckers Want to Put on the Brakes.” Los Angeles Times; Los Angeles, Calif., November 27, 2008, sec. California; Part B; Metro Desk. http://search.proquest.com/latimes/docview/422246726/abstract/1B2E1DCAC8744E85PQ/6.
Lindo, Róger. “El sector laboral en California sin mejora.” La Opinión; Los Angeles, Calif., June 20, 2009. http://search.proquest.com/ethnicnewswatch/docview/368421476/abstract/536235B34CB047BBPQ/62.
Meyerson, Harold. “Fueling a Jobs Machine for L.A.” Los Angeles Times; Los Angeles, Calif., October 11, 2010, sec. Main News; Part A; Editorial Desk. http://search.proquest.com/latimes/docview/757127683/abstract/1B2E1DCAC8744E85PQ/8.
Dreier, Peter. “Moving in the Labor Laane.” New Labor Forum (Sage Publications Inc.) 20, no. 3 (Fall 2011): 88–92. http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=64447062&site=ehost-live.
Meyerson, Harold. “L.A. Labor -- Getting the Job Done; In Wisconsin, Unions Are on the Defensive. Here, They’ve Gone on Offense to Create Well-Paid Jobs.” Los Angeles Times; Los Angeles, Calif., April 4, 2011, sec. Main News; Part A; Editorial Desk. http://search.proquest.com/latimes/docview/859713066/abstract/1B2E1DCAC8744E85PQ/9.
Newton, Jim. “A Mysterious Inquiry; The L.A. Alliance for a New Economy Is the Target. But Who’s Paying the Bill?” Los Angeles Times; Los Angeles, Calif., June 20, 2011, sec. Main News; Part A; Editorial Desk. http://search.proquest.com/latimes/docview/872416146/abstract/1B2E1DCAC8744E85PQ/10.
Janis, Madeline. “Living Wage Laws Don’t Kill Jobs; L.A.’s Ordinance Didn’t Deter Bidders for LAX Food Concessions.” Los Angeles Times; Los Angeles, Calif., September 21, 2011, sec. Main News; Part A; Editorial Desk. http://search.proquest.com/latimes/docview/892907962/abstract/1B2E1DCAC8744E85PQ/11.
Newton, Jim. “LAANE Turns the Tables; When an Opposition Research Firm Began Making Inquiries, a Small Nonprofit Embraced Full Transparency.” Los Angeles Times; Los Angeles, Calif., October 3, 2011, sec. Main News; Part A; Editorial Desk. http://search.proquest.com/latimes/docview/895840025/abstract/1B2E1DCAC8744E85PQ/12.
Garrison, Jessica. “CALIFORNIA; Labor-Backed Trash Hauling Plan Rebuffed; L.A.’s Top Money Man Urges City to Reject Exclusive Commercial Pickup Privileges in New Franchise Areas.” Los Angeles Times; Los Angeles, Calif., August 25, 2012, sec. LATExtra; Part AA; Metro Desk. http://search.proquest.com/latimes/docview/1034920575/abstract/1B2E1DCAC8744E85PQ/14.
Mozingo, Joe. “She Has a Real Worker Ethic; Maria Elena Durazo Is L.A. Labor’s Best Friend. Her Clout Worries Some.” Los Angeles Times; Los Angeles, Calif., June 23, 2013, sec. Main News; Part A; Metro Desk. http://search.proquest.com/latimes/docview/1370414621/abstract/1B2E1DCAC8744E85PQ/15.
Meyerson, Harold. “L.A. Story.” The American Prospect, August 6, 2013. http://prospect.org/article/la-story-0.
Meyerson, Harold. “The Los Angeles Alliance for a New Economy: A New Model for American Liberalism?” Beyond Chron, August 9, 2013. http://beyondchron.org/the-los-angeles-alliance-for-a-new-economy-a-new-model-for-american-liberalism/.
Hsu, Tiffany. “Protesters Greet Chinatown’s New Wal-Mart Store.” Los Angeles Times; Los Angeles, Calif., September 14, 2013, sec. Business; Part B; Business Desk. http://search.proquest.com/latimes/docview/1432247414/abstract/1B2E1DCAC8744E85PQ/17.
Meyerson, Harold. “A Tale of Two Cities.” Los Angeles Times; Los Angeles, Calif., February 4, 2014, sec. Main News; Part A; Opinion Desk. http://search.proquest.com/latimes/docview/1493953472/abstract/1B2E1DCAC8744E85PQ/18.
Lopez, Ricardo. “Truck Drivers Picket Port Haulers; Protesters Rally at Harbor-Area Firms in Dispute over Pay and Labor Protections.” Los Angeles Times; Los Angeles, Calif., April 29, 2014, sec. Business; Part B; Business Desk. http://search.proquest.com/latimes/docview/1519459073/abstract/1B2E1DCAC8744E85PQ/19.