A crowd carrying home made signs reading "Hold the Line - Don't Sell out Welfare Recipients - ACORN" and other messages. In the center of the crowd, an older priest wearing a white collar claps his hands while standing at a microphone. In the foreground are two children, one looking directly into the camera lens.

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Rev. James Lawson, founding member of CLUE, speaks at a rally in defense of welfare rights organized by the Los Angeles Coalition to End Hunger and Homelessness in 1997. The “Hold the Line Caravan” called on local officials to protect access to public assistance for those in need after the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors proposed to restrict eligibility to and cut benefits for the General Relief program (also known as welfare). This photograph, taken by Linda A. Lotz, was featured in a exhibition of her photographs called “Faith at Work” in 1999.

View more of Lotz’ photos at: https://www.flickr.com/photos/uclairle/albums/72177720320809410/