Printed flyer with headline: "Mitin de solidaridad a obreros en lucha - Miércoles 4 de Septiembre de 12:00 a la 1:00pm - 3760 Union Pacific Ave. (1 cuardo al sur de Olympic a Indiana)". A description follows about the members of the ILGWU local 512 and their reasons for striking at Somma Waterbed. At the bottom is a picture of those members holding a large banner reading "HUELGA - STRIKE" - in between is says "Los trabajadores de Somma necesitan su apoyo! ASISTE!" - at the very bottom of the flier are logos from the International Ladies Garment Workers Union - 675 S. Park View Street, Los Angeles, California 90057

Mitin de solidaridad a obreros en lucha

Workers at the Somma Waterbed factory in Los Ángeles struck for union recognition. This Spanish language flyer from the International Ladies Garment Workers Union (ILGWU) calls for trade unionists and allies to “Rally in Solidarity with Striking Workers.”

Rosalio Muñoz papers, Box 64, Folder 3, UCLA Library, Department of Special Collections. Learn More