CODIL General Assembly, June 1978

CODIL meeting announcement June 1978
Los Angeles activists announce a meeting to recruit factory-based committees to defend immigrant workers against raids by immigration authorities. Courtesy of the Department of Special Collections, Stanford University Libraries

After years of fighting deportation sweeps in Los Angeles, activists associated with the Centro de Acción Social Autónomo (CASA) formed special committee to address workplace raids by the INS and to advocate for the rights of undocumented workers generally. The Comité Obrero en Defensa de los Indocumentados en Lucha (CODIL, or in English the Workers Committee in Defense of the Undocumented in the Struggle) joined with the National Lawyers Guild (NLG) and a group of unions in an ad hoc Labor Immigration Action Center to coordinate immigrant organizing and legal defense.

On May 17, 1978 an election among over 700 workers at the Sbicca shoe factory in El Monte resulted in a narrow loss for the Retail Clerk’s union. The union filed objections contesting the result, but the next day immigration agents arrived at the plant and ordered the immediate deportation of 120 workers. CODIL charged the raid “was carried out in a selective manner looking principally for those who supported the union” and then pressuring workers to sign voluntary deportation orders even after they requested a lawyer. As the workers were aboard buses en route to the border, the union appealed for help from the Labor Immigration Action Center. Lawyers with the NLG filed suit in federal court and secured a temporary restraining order halting the deportation until the workers could have individual hearings. The legal victory energized immigrant worker advocates and encouraged progressive unionists. For a time, the number of factory raids and worker deportation dropped significantly.

Following the victory at Sbicca, CODIL activists recruited participants in workplace committees through regular meetings held at the Peoples College of Law near MacArthur Park. The committees aimed to organize nonunion workers and also to challenge existing unions to defend immigrant workers. CODIL identified their membership as those who “have been deported repeatedly because we have claimed our rights in front of the exploiting bosses.” CODIL trained workers to assert their constitutional rights during raids, and encouraged unions to write into their contracts protections against workplace raids and the right of workers to return to work after deportation.

CODIL Asemblea General, from the papers of CASA-HGT, Box 32, Folder 4. Courtesy of the Department of Special Collections, Stanford University Libraries.

RUHLOW, JERRY. “Unionist Promises to Assist Illegal Aliens: Organizer Would Fight Deportation If Workers Sign Contract.” Los Angeles Times (1923-1995); Los Angeles, Calif., March 11, 1979, sec. PART II.
Goodman, Adam. The Deportation Machine: America’s Long History of Expelling Immigrants. Politics and Society in Modern America. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2020.

Claiming the right to full union membership

ACLU News Release: Ruiz v. HERE Local 11
In the 1970s, rank-and-file activists found common cause with progressive legal groups like the ACLU. Daniel Ruiz, an immigrant member of HERE Local 11, sued to win the right of non-citizens to hold office in the local union.

In 1978 members of HERE Local 11 launched a campaign to unseat long-time union leader Andrew “Scotty” Allan. United Workers of Local 11 ran a multiracial slate of men and women committed to greater member participation in the 20,000 member union. Their candidate for the office of secretary-treasurer was Daniel Ruiz, a resident immigrant and respected leader among the workers at the Hyatt hotel. However, the election committee of Local 11, citing the constitution of the international union, declared Ruiz ineligible for office because he was not a U.S. citizen.

Daniel Ruiz (1978)

“Denying non-citizens the right to run for office means, in effect, that the Spanish-speaking majority is without representation, without equality under the law, and that the minority of the membership exercises all decision making powers while the majority is left out.”

Daniel Ruiz

With the help of the ACLU of Southern California, Ruiz and his allies sued Local 11 for violating Ruiz’s right to full participation in the union and other members’ right to nominate the person of their choosing. The union’s election committee quickly backed down and allowed Ruiz’s nomination. Although United Workers of Local 11 did not win the election, members of the union continued to demand a more responsive union leadership. Following the 1978 lawsuit Local 11 began translating contracts and other key documents, but the English-speaking members who dominated union meetings routinely voted down proposals for simultaneous translation of meetings. In 1985, the Mexican American Legal Defense Fund filed a lawsuit against Local 11 on behalf of two members demanding full translation of meetings, and in 1987 a judge ruled in their favor. A year later Scotty Allan was out of office.

Download the Press Release. Download Ruiz’s statement. From the papers of the ACLU of Southern California, box 826 folder 6 and box 665 folder 3. Library Special Collections, Charles E. Young Research Library, University of California, Los Angeles. Learn more about UNITE HERE Local 11.

Luther, Claudia. “Denial of Union Offices to Noncitizens Challenged in Suit.” Los Angeles Times (1923-1995); Los Angeles, Calif., April 8, 1978, sec. PART ONE.
Hernandez, Marita. “Latinos Fight for Clout in Restaurant Union Local: UNION: Latinos Wage Fight for Clout in Local.” Los Angeles Times (1923-1995), August 20, 1985, sec. Part II.

United Workers of Local 11 rank-and-file campaign

Campaign literature from the United Workers of HERE Local 11, a rank-and-file group that challenged the union’s leadership in 1978. Supported by the ACLU, the group won the right of non-citizens to hold office in the union.

During the 1970s, the Hotel and Restaurant Employees union (HERE) Local 11 in Los Angeles was losing power as restaurant owners dropped their union contracts and hotels cut wages and benefits. In 1978 a multiracial group of members calling themselves United Workers of Local 11 challenged the union’s long-serving leader Scotty Allan. The group distributed campaign flyers accusing union leaders of making backroom deals with employers and ignoring the concerns of the Spanish-speaking majority of members. Meeting weekly at the People’s College of Law near MacArthur Park, the rank-and-file activists found support from progressive lawyers and activists from other unions. Their bilingual campaign literature declared, “We can no longer disregard a major portion of our membership and make ‘second class members’ of so many.” Although United Workers lost the election, they helped established the right of non-citizens to hold office and participate fully in the union’s affairs through the lawsuit of Daniel Ruiz their candidate for secretary-treasurer. Their effort was the beginning of a decade-long struggle for union leadership that culminated in the election of Maria Elena Durazo in 1989.

From the papers of the ACLU of Southern California, box 826 folder 6, Library Special Collections, Charles E. Young Research Library, University of California, Los Angeles.

Learn more about UNITE HERE Local 11.

Luther, Claudia. “Denial of Union Offices to Noncitizens Challenged in Suit.” Los Angeles Times (1923-1995); Los Angeles, Calif., April 8, 1978, sec. PART ONE.

ACLU News Release: Loya v. INS

Responding to “dragnet” deportation raids in Latinx communities, the ACLU sued the INS in 1973, which became the case Loya v. INS.

In 1972-73, the Immigration and Naturalization service carried out widespread raids on workplaces, businesses, and homes in Los Angeles. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Southern California, in collaboration with the Center for Autonomous Social Action (CASA) and other allies in the Latinx community, filed suit to stop the raids–a case that became known as Loya v. INS. Founded in 1968 and led in its early years by Bert Corona, CASA provided social and legal services to undocumented immigrants, trained them to assert their rights, and supported unionization efforts. As this press release details, the ACLU charged that the INS was using “terror methods,” and targeting everyone with a “Latin appearance” including U.S. citizens. The Loya case was an early episode in a long-running battle between legal advocates and immigration officials. Download the Document.

Fanucchi, Ken. “Valley Gets Program to Aid Aliens.” Los Angeles Times (1923-1995); Los Angeles, Calif., August 1, 1972, sec. SAN FERNANDO VALLEY.

To ask for more would jeopardize what we have

Between 1933 and 1945, the University of California worked with California Department of Education and the California Federation of Labor to offer workers' education course through the University Extension. Known first as the Western Summer School for Workers, then as the Pacific Coast School for Workers, and finally as the Pacific Coast Labor School, the program trained hundreds of rank-and-file union members. Following World War II the school became part of the new Institute of Industrial Relations. 

In this 1938 letter to the head of the University of Wisconsin School for Workers, the Director of the Pacific Coast Labor School describes the fraught relationship between the school and the University of California. That would change during World War II when UC President Robert Sproul began to see labor programs as a way to expand the university's role in the state.

How to cite this document: George Hedley to Ernest Schwartztrauber, May 2, 1938, School for Workers Records, 18/5/37-3 box 9, University of Wisconsin Archives.

Mr E. E. Schwartztrauber, Director
The School for Workers in Industry
The University of Wisconsin

1214 West Johnson Street

Madison, Wisconsin

My dear Mr Schwarztrauber:

Thank you for yours of 26th ult.

It is a bit difficult to reply to your enquiry. Kerchen, the W.E.B. representative at the University of California, is a grand old chap. The School itself could not have come into being without his cooperation with Mrs. Adams, the co-founder; and he has given wise counsel and active teaching service from year to year.

So far as I can find out, however, he is unable to accomplish much else. He used to conduct a few evening classes himself, but for the past two years he has been in poor health and has done almost nothing in that field. The Labor Institutes have been, for better or for worse, almost completely taken over by the School organization; that is not unnatural, in view of the fact that the School personnel are the labor people interested in education, and in view of the additional fact that most of the progressives are pretty impatient with what they regard as the extreme caution (most of them would put it more sharply) of Spencer Miller.

An added complication re the University is the tension existing between a President who wants to be liberal and a Board of Regents which is almost violently reactionary. We are happy off the University campus — in fact, I personally suggested the move in 1936; but it was an obvious relief to Sproul when I did so! Kerchen never has suggested any possibility of further financial aid from the University (I say further, because we provide only his board and room for his teaching services), and I think he is wise in saving his breath.

In the long run the situation is not hopeless. Sproul, as I said, really wants to be liberal; but he has a job to keep — and Heaven pity us if he were jammed out and the Regents put in the sort of man their present mood would select. This week the wife of the retiring Director of the Extension Division is giving a tea in the School’s interests, and is deliberately inviting the campus people who have been most skeptical about our right to exist. Incidentally, I have taught on the Extension myself throughout the year, and with apparently happy results.

But the sum total at present is that we are lucky to have the formal blessing of the institution and the personal participation of Kerchen. To ask for more, with things as they are, would be seriously to jeopardize what we have…. And do you know that our Governor cut the budget for the University something like half a million, with the remark that we are actually spending more than does the University of Kansas?

We look forward to the coming of the two ladies from Green Bay, and hope that they will contribute largely to a strengthening of the relationship between your School and ours.

Thanking you for your kindness, and hoping that you will have time to inform and to advise us frequently, I am

Very truly yours

George P. Hedley