After successfully halting the deportation of over 100 shoeworkers at the Sbicca shoe factory in El Monte, activists called for meeting to recruit more factory committees. Courtesy of the Department of Special Collections, Stanford University Libraries
David Sickler and Jose De Paz appeal to fellow union leaders to continue funding the California Immigrant Workers Association.
Justice for Janitors campaign flyer handed out at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Campaign flyer for HERE Local 11 leadership election in 1978 points to declining union power.
“How the City of Los Angeles Subsidizes Poverty and How the Taxpayers End Up Paying for It” (c. 1996)
LA County Federation of Labor celebrates the victories of the Justice for Janitors campaign in 1991.
Informational flyer from SEIU local 399 protesting Bradford Building Services’ firing of union members ca. 1989.
A hand-made etching depicts a march of service workers. This tiny work of art (about 1 inch square) is part of the UNITE HERE Local 11 records.
Immigrant rights advocates protested the close relationship between the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) and the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS), 1990.
At Christmas-themed protest, janitors deliver lumps of coal to their employers.
The cartoon superhero Mop Man explains workers’ rights in relation to identification, and provides contact information for National Immigration Law Center.
The janitory-superhero “Mopman” takes on an evil boss in this Justice for Janitors cartoon.
Flyer for event on Guatemalan civil war held at SEIU Local 399
The New Immigration Law and Its Impact on Workers and Unions, from the American Federationist, January 1987.
The Justice for Janitors campaign condemns the beating of motorist Rodney King by Los Angeles police.
Justice for Janitors flyer from 1989 naming Security Pacific Bank as the “Turkey of the Year”
Turkey of the Year press release, 1989
Justice for Janitors strike flyer, 1990
“‘Stage 2’: L.A. unions and people who need them meet face to face,” LA Federation of Labor, 1989.
Justice for Janitors pamphlet announcing a return march to Century City.
Justice for Janitors pamphlet announcing a return march to Century City.
Pictures of fired janitors and their families conveys the impact of employer actions on the community.
University of Southern California workers appeal to students, faculty, and community members to support their effort to retain jobs.
La Opinion reports on janitors’ preparation for a 1990 strike against Bradford cleaners, a building service contracting firm.
A Justice for Janitors newsletter from 1990 shows union members preparing for civil disobedience.
In the 1980s, new types of business relationships disrupted the labor relations system. In this newsletter, SEIU Local 399 reports that a court has declared a contractor and building owners “joint employer” clearing the way for organizing.
The Danish-owned multinational corporation International Service Systems (ISS) was the money behind many local cleaning contractors. Here the Local 399 reports on it’s legal case against ISS.
County Federation of Labor newsletter reports on successful 1990 strike against ISS in Century City
Justice for Janitors organzing sticker
A Spanish-language timeline of Justice for Janitors actions from 1987 to 1992
Mopman on health care
Justice for Janitors flyer from 1989 naming Security Pacific Bank as the “Turkey of the Year”
Voice of Local 399, June 1990
“ISS Strike Wave Hits Century City,” 1990
“Voice of Local 399,” July 1990
A 1989 study of building service work written by Paul Schimek and published by SEIU Local 399.
A flyer publicizing a rally in support of striking workers at the Somma mattress factory in Los Angeles, 1985.
Recruitment flyer from Southern California Unions for Jobs with Peace, 1984.
A flyer calling for a march of union members and community allies to save jobs at the General Motors factory in Van Nuys, California, 1983