Activists with the 1986 Los Angeles Jobs with Peace campaign hold signs for Proposition V outside the International Ladies Garment Workers union hall on MacArthur Park.
A STOP-WORK PROTEST–A band plays as members of International Ladies’ Garment Workers’ Union here hold a rally that was part of a nationwide protest against the importation of textiles.
Immigrant rights activists march in East Los Angeles, 1977
Immigrant factory workers cheer their union election victory at American Racing Equipment. The workers had staged a wildcat strike in the summer of 1990.
ILGWU organizer Miguel Machuca and Somma waterbed factory workers celebrate back-pay awards ordered by the NLRB after the company fired union activists.
Garment workers affiliated with the ILGWU celebrate an overwhelming victory in their union election at Glydons High Fashion Intimate Apparel, February 1980.
UCLA students examine documents and photographs from the records of UNITE HERE Local 11, the Justice for Janitors campaign, and the LA Alliance for a New Economy, winter 2019.
Labor Studies students pose with art works inspired by their encounter with archival records of Los Angeles labor history.
Leaders of HERE Local 11 pose with Cesar Chavez, 1993
Lola Patina of the ILGWU addresses workers attending a special class at the union hall, 1940
Rose Pesotta and fellow strikers confront a police officer while picketing in Los Angeles during a strike in the late 1940s.
Airport workers protest low wages at Los Angeles International Airport
Hotel union leader Maria Elena Durazo, 1989.
Mayor Tom Bradley speaks to a union audience.
Supporters of the Justice for Janitors campaign join in street theater during a protest against a building service contractor.
Los Angeles janitors’ protest
Supporters of the Justice for Janitors campaign hold signs that read, “L.A. Should Work for Everyone.” Los Angeles Times Photographic Collection, UCLA Library Special Collections.
Tom Bradley addresses union supporters
Union and immigrant rights advocates march in Los Angeles, c. 1992.
Miguel Contreras and Maria Elena Durazo together on the picket line, 1988.
Rev. James Lawson and Dave Clennon portraying a ghostly character from Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol”.
Janitors with SEIU Local 399 picket the Gas Company building in downtown Los Angeles, 1987.
USWW rally on Bruin Plaza at the UCLA campus.
Clergy and Laity United for Economic Justice (CLUE) leads a march supporting grocery store workers contract negotiations.
SEIU Local 399 protest links workers in California and El Salvador.
A Justice for Janitors activist hands a flower to an office worker in honor of Secretary’s Day in 1990.
Members of the janitors union gather to commit to their new organizing campaign, Justice for Janitors, 1988
The records of USWW/Justice for Janitors in the basement before their donation to UCLA.
Union members & allies stage a mass civil disobedience action
Union members & supporters begin the September 2006 Century Blvd. action
UNITE HERE Local 11 action at LAX, 2006
Maria Elena Durazo is one of hundreds risking arrest on Century Blvd., September 2006
Members of Santa Monicans Allied for Responsible Tourism (SMART) demonstrate in favor of a living wage ordinance for hotel workers.
Organizers and members from several unions picket in support of HERE Local 11’s boycott of Canter’s Deli.
Community allies and members of HERE Local 11 announce a boycott of the New Otani Hotel.
Dolores Huerta, Jesse Jackson support USC workers.
Maria Elena Durazo speaks to union members.
Rev. James Lawson and Dave Clennon portraying a ghostly character from Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol”.
Regla Soto and fellow housekeepers march with quilt documenting their workplace injuries.
A Local 11 member points to a meeting agenda
SEIU local 399 leader Jim Zellars marches with Rev. James Lawson. Peter Olney (wearing a tie) is to Zellars’s right.
A protest sign outside a Toyota facility in southern California in solidarity with workers in El Salvador.
A child dressed for Halloween carries a sign reading “Justice for Janitors”
A child beats a drum while workers picket a downtown building.
Justice for Janitors, Turkey of the Year ca. 1989.
the Justice for Janitors used street theater to dramatize their struggle.
Janitors and union officials march through the lobby of a downtown office building, 1988
Members of SEIU Local 399 hold a sign that reads, “L.A.’s Two Faces: Glamour and Wealth. Poverty and Despair.”
An immigrant studies for the citizenship test with help from the Labor-Immigrant Assistance Project
Supporters of the Justice for Janitors campaign join in street theater during a protest against a building service contractor.
Members of the Justice for Janitors march in Century City in 1989.
Riot police confront protesting janitors and allies on a Century City street, June 15, 1990.
Janitor at work
Janitor at work
Janitors prepare for civil disobedience actions in Century City, 1990
Justice for Janitors organizer Rocio Sáenz speaks to a television news crew, ca. 1995
Jose Garcia, Rosa Beltran, and Manuela Ramos, photographed in 2011.
Religious, political, and labor movement leaders join the janitors during their 2000 strike.
Union janitors share stories prompted by viewing records of the Justice for Janitors campaign.
Riot police confront protesting janitors and allies on a Century City street, June 15, 1990.
Jono Shaffer, 1990
An early Local 399 protest against ISS.
March versus ISS, Century City 1990.
Members of SEIU local 399, CIWA, the ILGWU, and other organizations march in the wake of the 1992 civil unrest.
Members of SEIU local 399 prepare for acts of civil disobedience around the time of the strike at Century City, 1990.
UCLA Labor Center director Kent Wong joins union supporters during the April 1995 janitors’ strike.
SEIU USWW leader Mike Garcia speaks at a panel on Justice for Janitors on the UCLA campus.